speial Alien Kids

This is 'Alien Kids' - my first collage ever.

My journey started in 2012. I attended an exhibition at Heliumcowboy Artspace in Hamburg and seeing all the creativity around I felt the urge to create something of my own. I saw that they had these nice stickers: one of them said 'Alien', the other 'Cowboy'. And in the public restroom there was this peculiar square which looked like a canvas. I had no clue what it was. Maybe it was used to cover electric devices?

Anyhow, I grabbed a bunch of stickers and then I assembled them, giving them the shape of a mother holding two kids by the hands. I glued the result on the surface of the square. And there I had it! My very first collage was now 'exhibited'. 'Alien Kids' paved the way for many other collages I did in the coming years.